Marc Hillesheim studied communication design and communication theory at the University of Essen with Prof. Vilim Vasata and Prof. Norbert Bolz. During his studies he started his career as a freelance photographer for international agencies, brands and magazines.

Besides his photography Marc is working as a consultant and creative director for small companies between the poles of old economy and industry 4.0.

2006 he completed his qualification as scuba diving instructor. Ever since he travels the world and the seven seas in search for images and encounters with nice people, diving being a great way to free his mind and to stay grounded.

The love for the underwater world led to a growing interest in taking photography below surface. Today he ranks among the leading underwater fashion and people photographers.

Customers benefit from a broad portfolio of photographic skills, wide experience in planning extensive shootings worldwide and the reliability of working within budgets. Long time customers value his universal approach to the tasks of brand communication and corporate design. Being a communication designer by trade and heart, the mission is drawing the line between what a brand is and what it´s not.

Marc works within a skilled team of experienced professionals. All needs of land and underwater photography can be served. A constant collaboration exists with multiple world record holder in freediving, Mr Christian Redl, which led to an efficient training program for underwater models.



Everybody needs a little or even more help from good friends. I am proud to count the good people at SEACAM among them. SEACAM simply is the best equipment for underwater photography that you could ask for. Their attitude towards quality and perfection completely fits my own.

UWF by Dr. Georg Nies is the German competence center for SEACAM but much more for me. If we are looking for a way to bring your imagination into life, we will find the solution there.